Vim 환경설정
Vim을 설치하고 소스파일을 열면 다음과 같은 화면이 표시됩니다.
행번호도 없고 그냥 메모장 같지요?
이제 설정을 해서 에디터 같은 모습을 만들어 봅시다.
우선 설치경로로 이동합니다.
설치하실때 경로를 변경하지 않으셨다면 Windows8.1 64bit 기준 설치 경로는
C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim
_vimrc 가 설치 파일입니다.
관리자 권한도 필요하고 변경이 복잡하므로 이 파일을 다른 위치로 복사합니다.
제 경우 바탕화면에 복사하였습니다.
복사한 파일을 다음과 같이 열면 됩니다.
열렸다면 다음화면이 나옵니다.
(Vim을 잘 다루실지 모르신다면 연결프로그램-메모장을 선택하셔서 편집하셔도 무방합니다)
코드 에디터로 쓰기 위해 추천할만한 설정은 다음과 같습니다.
set number " line 표시를 해줍니다. set nu와 동일
set ai " auto indent(자동 들여쓰기), set autoindent와 동일
set si " smart index
set cindent " c style indent
set shiftwidth=4 " shift를 4칸으로 ( >, >>, <, << 등의 명령어)
set tabstop=4 " tab을 4칸으로
set ignorecase " 검색시 대소문자 구별하지않음
set hlsearch " 검색시 하이라이트(색상 강조)
set expandtab " tab 대신 띄어쓰기로
set background=dark " 검정배경을 사용할 때, (이 색상에 맞춰 문법 하이라이트 색상이 달라집니다.)
set nocompatible " 방향키로 이동가능
set fileencodings=utf-8,euc-kr " 파일인코딩 형식 지정
set bs=indent,eol,start " backspace 키 사용 가능
set history=1000 " 명령어에 대한 히스토리를 1000개까지
set ruler " 상태표시줄에 커서의 위치 표시
set nobackup " 백업파일을 만들지 않음
set title " 제목을 표시
set showmatch " 매칭되는 괄호를 보여줌
set nowrap " 자동 줄바꿈 하지 않음
set wmnu " tab 자동완성시 가능한 목록을 보여줌
colorscheme darkblue "컬러스킴을 다크블루로 설정함
" Syntax Highlighting
if has(“syntax”)
syntax on
endifsyntax on " 문법 하이라이트 킴"
" 마지막으로 수정된 곳에 커서를 위치함
au BufReadPost *
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
\ exe "norm g`\"" |
\ endif
중요한 설정만 넣었습니다.
이 설정들을 페이지 가장 아랫줄에 넣고 저장하신후, 원래 폴더로 옮기시면.
다음과 같은 화면을 보실수 있습니다.
ㅋㅋ 이제좀 에디터 같나요? ㅎㅎ
이렇게 설정하시면 어느정도 쓸만하답니다~ ^^
여기서 잠깐.
만약. 다른것들도 설정하셔서 제대로 써보시고 싶으신 분들은 아래의 _vimrc 파일을 참고해 보세요.
제가 열심히 편집해서 쓰고 있는 파일이구요,
주석을 지우셔서 필요한것을 활성화 시키시면 됩니다.
설명도 영어지만 간략하게 되어 있구요. 이것저것 상세하게 설정이 가능합니다.
set nocompatible
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
behave mswin
colorscheme darkblue
set diffexpr=MyDiff()
function MyDiff()
let opt = '-a --binary '
if &diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif
if &diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif
let arg1 = v:fname_in
if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '"' . arg1 . '"' | endif
let arg2 = v:fname_new
if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '"' . arg2 . '"' | endif
let arg3 = v:fname_out
if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '"' . arg3 . '"' | endif
let eq = ''
if $VIMRUNTIME =~ ' '
if &sh =~ '\<cmd'
let cmd = '""' . $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff"'
let eq = '"'
let cmd = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, ' ', '" ', '') . '\diff"'
let cmd = $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff'
silent execute '!' . cmd . ' ' . opt . arg1 . ' ' . arg2 . ' > ' . arg3 . eq
syntax on " 문법 하이라이트 킴
"1 important
"compatible behave very Vi compatible (not advisable)
set nocp "cp
"cpoptions list of flags to specify Vi compatibility
" set cpo=aABceFs
"insertmode use Insert mode as the default mode
" set noim im
"paste paste mode, insert typed text literally
" set nopaste paste
"pastetoggle key sequence to toggle paste mode
" set pt=
" 2 moving around, searching and patterns
"whichwrap list of flags specifying which commands wrap to another line
" (local to window)
" set ww=b,s
"startofline many jump commands move the cursor to the first non-blank
" character of a line
" set sol nosol
"paragraphs nroff macro names that separate paragraphs
" set para=IPLPPPQPP\ TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp
"sections nroff macro names that separate sections
" set sect=SHNHH\ HUnhsh
"autochdir change to directory of file in buffer
" set noacd acd
"wrapscan search commands wrap around the end of the buffer
" set ws nows
"incsearch show match for partly typed search command
" set is nois
"magic change the way backslashes are used in search patterns
" set magic nomagic
"regexpengine select the default regexp engine used
" set re=0
"ignorecase ignore case when using a search pattern
" set ic " noic
"smartcase override 'ignorecase' when pattern has upper case characters
" set noscs scs
"casemap what method to use for changing case of letters
" set cmp=internal,keepascii
"maxmempattern maximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for pattern matching
" set mmp=1000
"define pattern for a macro definition line
" (global or local to buffer)
" set def=^\\s*#\\s*define
"include pattern for an include-file line
" (local to buffer)
" set inc=^\\s*#\\s*include
"includeexpr expression used to transform an include line to a file name
" (local to buffer)
" set inex=
" 3 tags
"tagbsearch use binary searching in tags files
" set tbs notbs
"taglength number of significant characters in a tag name or zero
" set tl=0
"tags list of file names to search for tags
" (global or local to buffer)
" set tag=./tags,tags
"tagrelative file names in a tags file are relative to the tags file
" set tr notr
"tagstack a :tag command will use the tagstack
" set tgst notgst
"showfulltag when completing tags in Insert mode show more info
" set nosft sft
"cscopeprg command for executing cscope
" set csprg=cscope
"cscopetag use cscope for tag commands
" set nocst cst
"cscopetagorder 0 or 1; the order in which ":cstag" performs a search
" set csto=0
"cscopeverbose give messages when adding a cscope database
" set nocsverb csverb
"cscopepathcomp how many components of the path to show
" set cspc=0
"cscopequickfix when to open a quickfix window for cscope
" set csqf=
"cscoperelative file names in a cscope file are relative to that file
" set nocsre csre
" 4 displaying text
"scroll number of lines to scroll for CTRL-U and CTRL-D
" (local to window)
" set scr=5
"scrolloff number of screen lines to show around the cursor
" set so=0
"wrap long lines wrap
" set nowrap wrap
"linebreak wrap long lines at a character in 'breakat'
" (local to window)
" set nolbr lbr
"breakat which characters might cause a line break
" set brk=\ \ !@*-+;:,./?
"showbreak string to put before wrapped screen lines
" set sbr=
"sidescroll minimal number of columns to scroll horizontally
" set ss=0
"sidescrolloff minimal number of columns to keep left and right of the cursor
" set siso=0
"display include "lastline" to show the last line even if it doesn't fit
" include "uhex" to show unprintable characters as a hex number
" set dy=
"fillchars characters to use for the status line, folds and filler lines
" set fcs=vert:\|,fold:-
"cmdheight number of lines used for the command-line
" set ch=1
"columns width of the display
" set co=80
"lines number of lines in the display
" set lines=25
"window number of lines to scroll for CTRL-F and CTRL-B
" set window=24
"lazyredraw don't redraw while executing macros
" set nolz lz
"redrawtime timeout for 'hlsearch' and :match highlighting in msec
" set rdt=2000
"writedelay delay in msec for each char written to the display
" (for debugging)
" set wd=0
"list show <Tab> as ^I and end-of-line as $
" (local to window)
" set nolist list
"listchars list of strings used for list mode
" set lcs=eol:$
"number show the line number for each line
" (local to window)
set nu " nonu
"relativenumber show the relative line number for each line
" (local to window)
" set nornu rnu
"numberwidth number of columns to use for the line number
" (local to window)
" set nuw=4
"conceallevel controls whether concealable text is hidden
" (local to window)
" set cole=0
"concealcursor modes in which text in the cursor line can be concealed
" (local to window)
" set cocu=
" 5 syntax, highlighting and spelling
"background "dark" or "light"; the background color brightness
set bg=dark
"filetype type of file; triggers the FileType event when set
" (local to buffer)
" set ft=html
"syntax name of syntax highlighting used
" (local to buffer)
" set syn=html
"synmaxcol maximum column to look for syntax items
" (local to buffer)
" set smc=3000
"highlight which highlighting to use for various occasions
" set hl=8:SpecialKey,@:NonText,d:Directory,e:ErrorMsg,i:IncSearch,l:Search,m:MoreMsg,M:ModeMsg,n:LineNr,N:CursorLineNr,r:Question,s:StatusLine,S:StatusLineNC,c:VertSplit,t:Title,v:Visual,V:VisualNOS,w:WarningMsg,W:WildMenu,f:Folded,F:FoldColumn,A:DiffAdd,C:DiffChange,D:DiffDelete,T:DiffText,>:SignColumn,-:Conceal,B:SpellBad,P:SpellCap,R:SpellRare,L:SpellLocal,+:Pmenu,=:PmenuSel,x:PmenuSbar,X:PmenuThumb,*:TabLine,#:TabLineSel,_:TabLineFill,!:CursorColumn,.:CursorLine,o:ColorColumn
"hlsearch highlight all matches for the last used search pattern
set hls " nohls
"cursorcolumn highlight the screen column of the cursor
" (local to window)
" set nocuc cuc
"cursorline highlight the screen line of the cursor
" (local to window)
" set nocul cul
"colorcolumn columns to highlight
" (local to window)
" set cc=
"spell highlight spelling mistakes
" (local to window)
" set nospell spell
"spelllang list of accepted languages
" (local to buffer)
" set spl=en
"spellfile file that "zg" adds good words to
" (local to buffer)
" set spf=
"spellcapcheck pattern to locate the end of a sentence
" (local to buffer)
" set spc=[.?!]\\_[\\])'\"\ \ ]\\+
"spellsuggest methods used to suggest corrections
" set sps=best
"mkspellmem amount of memory used by :mkspell before compressing
" set msm=460000,2000,500
" 6 multiple windows
"laststatus 0, 1 or 2; when to use a status line for the last window
" set ls=1
"statusline alternate format to be used for a status line
" set stl=
"equalalways make all windows the same size when adding/removing windows
" set ea noea
"eadirection in which direction 'equalalways' works: "ver", "hor" or "both"
" set ead=both
"winheight minimal number of lines used for the current window
" set wh=1
"winminheight minimal number of lines used for any window
" set wmh=1
"winfixheight keep the height of the window
" (local to window)
" set nowfh wfh
"winfixwidth keep the width of the window
" (local to window)
" set nowfw wfw
"winwidth minimal number of columns used for the current window
" set wiw=20
"winminwidth minimal number of columns used for any window
" set wmw=1
"helpheight initial height of the help window
" set hh=20
"previewheight default height for the preview window
" set pvh=12
"previewwindow identifies the preview window
" (local to window)
" set nopvw pvw
"hidden don't unload a buffer when no longer shown in a window
" set nohid hid
"switchbuf "useopen" and/or "split"; which window to use when jumping
" to a buffer
" set swb=
"splitbelow a new window is put below the current one
" set nosb sb
"splitright a new window is put right of the current one
" set nospr spr
"scrollbind this window scrolls together with other bound windows
" (local to window)
" set noscb scb
"scrollopt "ver", "hor" and/or "jump"; list of options for 'scrollbind'
" set sbo=ver,jump
"cursorbind this window's cursor moves together with other bound windows
" (local to window)
" set nocrb crb
" 7 multiple tab pages
"showtabline 0, 1 or 2; when to use a tab pages line
" set stal=1
"tabpagemax maximum number of tab pages to open for -p and "tab all"
" set tpm=10
"tabline custom tab pages line
" set tal=
"guitablabel custom tab page label for the GUI
" set gtl=
"guitabtooltip custom tab page tooltip for the GUI
" set gtt=
" 8 terminal
"term name of the used terminal
" set term=builtin_gui
"ttytype alias for 'term'
" set tty=builtin_gui
"ttybuiltin check built-in termcaps first
" set tbi notbi
"ttyfast terminal connection is fast
" set notf tf
"weirdinvert terminal that requires extra redrawing
" set nowiv wiv
"esckeys recognize keys that start with <Esc> in Insert mode
" set ek noek
"scrolljump minimal number of lines to scroll at a time
" set sj=1
"ttyscroll maximum number of lines to use scrolling instead of redrawing
" set tsl=999
"guicursor specifies what the cursor looks like in different modes
" set gcr=n-v-c:block-Cursor/lCursor,ve:ver35-Cursor,o:hor50-Cursor,i-ci:ver25-Cursor/lCursor,r-cr:hor20-Cursor/lCursor,sm:block-Cursor-blinkwait175-blinkoff150-blinkon175
"title show info in the window title
set title " notitle
"titlelen percentage of 'columns' used for the window title
" set titlelen=85
"titlestring when not empty, string to be used for the window title
" set titlestring=
"titleold string to restore the title to when exiting Vim
" set titleold=빔을\ 날게\ 해\ 주셔서\ 고맙습니다
"icon set the text of the icon for this window
" set icon noicon
"iconstring when not empty, text for the icon of this window
" set iconstring=
"restorescreen restore the screen contents when exiting Vim
" set rs nors
" 9 using the mouse
"mouse list of flags for using the mouse
" set mouse=a
"mousefocus the window with the mouse pointer becomes the current one
" set nomousef mousef
"mousehide hide the mouse pointer while typing
" set mh nomh
"mousemodel "extend", "popup" or "popup_setpos"; what the right
" mouse button is used for
" set mousem=popup
"mousetime maximum time in msec to recognize a double-click
" set mouset=500
"ttymouse "xterm", "xterm2", "dec" or "netterm"; type of mouse
" set ttym=
"mouseshape what the mouse pointer looks like in different modes
" set mouses=i-r:beam,s:updown,sd:udsizing,vs:leftright,vd:lrsizing,m:no,ml:up-arrow,v:rightup-arrow
"10 GUI
"guifont list of font names to be used in the GUI
" set gfn=
"guifontwide list of font names to be used for double-wide characters
" set gfw=
"guioptions list of flags that specify how the GUI works
" set go=egmrLtT
"guipty use a pseudo-tty for I/O to external commands
" set guipty noguipty
"browsedir "last", "buffer" or "current": which directory used for the file browser
" set bsdir=last
"langmenu language to be used for the menus
" set langmenu=
"menuitems maximum number of items in one menu
" set mis=25
"winaltkeys "no", "yes" or "menu"; how to use the ALT key
" set wak=menu
"linespace number of pixel lines to use between characters
" set lsp=1
"balloondelay delay in milliseconds before a balloon may pop up
" set bdlay=600
"ballooneval whether the balloon evaluation is to be used
" set nobeval beval
"balloonexpr expression to show in balloon eval
" set bexpr=
"11 printing
"printoptions list of items that control the format of :hardcopy output
" set popt=
"printdevice name of the printer to be used for :hardcopy
" set pdev=
"printfont name of the font to be used for :hardcopy
" set pfn=Courier_New:h10
"printheader format of the header used for :hardcopy
" set pheader=%<%f%h%m%=페이지\ %N
"printmbcharset the CJK character set to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy
" set pmbcs=
"printmbfont list of font names to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy
" set pmbfn=
"12 messages and info
"terse add 's' flag in 'shortmess' (don't show search message)
" set noterse terse
"shortmess list of flags to make messages shorter
" set shm=filnxtToO
"showcmd show (partial) command keys in the status line
" set sc nosc
"showmode display the current mode in the status line
" set smd nosmd
"ruler show cursor position below each window
set ru " noru
"rulerformat alternate format to be used for the ruler
" set ruf=
"report threshold for reporting number of changed lines
" set report=2
"verbose the higher the more messages are given
" set vbs=0
"verbosefile file to write messages in
" set vfile=
"more pause listings when the screen is full
" set more nomore
"confirm start a dialog when a command fails
" set nocf cf
"errorbells ring the bell for error messages
" set noeb eb
"visualbell use a visual bell instead of beeping
" set novb vb
"helplang list of preferred languages for finding help
" set hlg=ko
"13 selecting text
"selection "old", "inclusive" or "exclusive"; how selecting text behaves
" set sel=exclusive
"selectmode "mouse", "key" and/or "cmd"; when to start Select mode
" instead of Visual mode
" set slm=mouse,key
"clipboard "unnamed" to use the * register like unnamed register
" "autoselect" to always put selected text on the clipboard
" set cb=
"keymodel "startsel" and/or "stopsel"; what special keys can do
" set km=startsel,stopsel
"14 editing text
"undolevels maximum number of changes that can be undone
" set ul=1000
"undoreload maximum number lines to save for undo on a buffer reload
" set ur=10000
"modified changes have been made and not written to a file
" (local to buffer)
" set nomod mod
"readonly buffer is not to be written
" (local to buffer)
" set noro ro
"modifiable changes to the text are not possible
" (local to buffer)
" set ma noma
"textwidth line length above which to break a line
" (local to buffer)
" set tw=0
"wrapmargin margin from the right in which to break a line
" (local to buffer)
" set wm=0
"backspace specifies what <BS>, CTRL-W, etc. can do in Insert mode
set bs=indent,eol,start
"comments definition of what comment lines look like
" (local to buffer)
" set com=s:<!--,m:\ \ \ \ ,e:-->
"formatoptions list of flags that tell how automatic formatting works
" (local to buffer)
" set fo=tcq
"formatlistpat pattern to recognize a numbered list
" (local to buffer)
" set flp=^\\s*\\d\\+[\\]:.)}\\t\ ]\\s*
"formatexpr expression used for "gq" to format lines
" (local to buffer)
" set fex=
"complete specifies how Insert mode completion works for CTRL-N and CTRL-P
" (local to buffer)
" set cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i
"completeopt whether to use a popup menu for Insert mode completion
" set cot=menu,preview
"pumheight maximum height of the popup menu
" set ph=0
"completefunc user defined function for Insert mode completion
" (local to buffer)
" set cfu=
"omnifunc function for filetype-specific Insert mode completion
" (local to buffer)
" set ofu=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags
"dictionary list of dictionary files for keyword completion
" (global or local to buffer)
" set dict=
"thesaurus list of thesaurus files for keyword completion
" (global or local to buffer)
" set tsr=
"infercase adjust case of a keyword completion match
" (local to buffer)
" set noinf inf
"digraph enable entering digraps with c1 <BS> c2
" set nodg dg
"tildeop the "~" command behaves like an operator
" set notop top
"operatorfunc function called for the"g@" operator
" set opfunc=
"showmatch when inserting a bracket, briefly jump to its match
set sm " nosm
"matchtime tenth of a second to show a match for 'showmatch'
" set mat=5
"matchpairs list of pairs that match for the "%" command
" (local to buffer)
" set mps=(:),{:},[:],<:>
"joinspaces use two spaces after '.' when joining a line
" set js nojs
"nrformats "alpha", "octal" and/or "hex"; number formats recognized for
" CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands
" (local to buffer)
" set nf=octal,hex
"15 tabs and indenting
"tabstop number of spaces a <Tab> in the text stands for
" (local to buffer)
set ts=4
"shiftwidth number of spaces used for each step of (auto)indent
" (local to buffer)
set sw=4
"smarttab a <Tab> in an indent inserts 'shiftwidth' spaces
" set nosta sta
"softtabstop if non-zero, number of spaces to insert for a <Tab>
" (local to buffer)
" set sts=0
"shiftround round to 'shiftwidth' for "<<" and ">>"
" set nosr sr
"expandtab expand <Tab> to spaces in Insert mode
" (local to buffer)
" set noet " et
"autoindent automatically set the indent of a new line
" (local to buffer)
set ai " noai
"smartindent do clever autoindenting
" (local to buffer)
set si " nosi
"cindent enable specific indenting for C code
" (local to buffer)
set cin " nocin
"cinoptions options for C-indenting
" (local to buffer)
" set cino=
"cinkeys keys that trigger C-indenting in Insert mode
" (local to buffer)
" set cink=0{,0},0),:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
"cinwords list of words that cause more C-indent
" (local to buffer)
" set cinw=if,else,while,do,for,switch
"indentexpr expression used to obtain the indent of a line
" (local to buffer)
" set inde=HtmlIndent()
"indentkeys keys that trigger indenting with 'indentexpr' in Insert mode
" (local to buffer)
" set indk=o,O,<Return>,<>>,{,},!^F
"copyindent copy whitespace for indenting from previous line
" (local to buffer)
" set noci ci
"preserveindent preserve kind of whitespace when changing indent
" (local to buffer)
" set nopi pi
"lisp enable lisp mode
" (local to buffer)
" set nolisp lisp
"lispwords words that change how lisp indenting works
" set lw=defun,define,defmacro,set!,lambda,if,case,let,flet,let*,letrec,do,do*,define-syntax,let-syntax,letrec-syntax,destructuring-bind,defpackage,defparameter,defstruct,deftype,defvar,do-all-symbols,do-external-symbols,do-symbols,dolist,dotimes,ecase,etypecase,eval-when,labels,macrolet,multiple-value-bind,multiple-value-call,multiple-value-prog1,multiple-value-setq,prog1,progv,typecase,unless,unwind-protect,when,with-input-from-string,with-open-file,with-open-stream,with-output-to-string,with-package-iterator,define-condition,handler-bind,handler-case,restart-bind,restart-case,with-simple-restart,store-value,use-value,muffle-warning,abort,continue,with-slots,with-slots*,with-accessors,with-accessors*,defclass,defmethod,print-unreadable-object
"16 folding
"foldenable set to display all folds open
" (local to window)
" set fen nofen
"foldlevel folds with a level higher than this number will be closed
" (local to window)
" set fdl=0
"foldlevelstart value for 'foldlevel' when starting to edit a file
" set fdls=-1
"foldcolumn width of the column used to indicate folds
" (local to window)
" set fdc=0
"foldtext expression used to display the text of a closed fold
" (local to window)
" set fdt=foldtext()
"foldclose set to "all" to close a fold when the cursor leaves it
" set fcl=
"foldopen specifies for which commands a fold will be opened
" set fdo=block,hor,mark,percent,quickfix,search,tag,undo
"foldminlines minimum number of screen lines for a fold to be closed
" (local to window)
" set fml=1
"commentstring template for comments; used to put the marker in
" set cms=<!--%s-->
"foldmethod folding type: "manual", "indent", "expr", "marker" or "syntax"
" (local to window)
" set fdm=manual
"foldexpr expression used when 'foldmethod' is "expr"
" (local to window)
" set fde=0
"foldignore used to ignore lines when 'foldmethod' is "indent"
" (local to window)
" set fdi=#
"foldmarker markers used when 'foldmethod' is "marker"
" (local to window)
" set fmr={{{,}}}
"foldnestmax maximum fold depth for when 'foldmethod is "indent" or "syntax"
" (local to window)
" set fdn=20
"17 diff mode
"diff use diff mode for the current window
" (local to window)
" set nodiff diff
"diffopt options for using diff mode
" set dip=filler
"diffexpr expression used to obtain a diff file
" set dex=MyDiff()
"patchexpr expression used to patch a file
" set pex=
"18 mapping
"maxmapdepth maximum depth of mapping
" set mmd=1000
"remap recognize mappings in mapped keys
" set remap noremap
"timeout allow timing out halfway into a mapping
" set to noto
"ttimeout allow timing out halfway into a key code
" set nottimeout ttimeout
"timeoutlen time in msec for 'timeout'
" set tm=1000
"ttimeoutlen time in msec for 'ttimeout'
" set ttm=-1
"19 reading and writing files
"modeline enable using settings from modelines when reading a file
" (local to buffer)
" set ml noml
"modelines number of lines to check for modelines
" set mls=5
"binary binary file editing
" (local to buffer)
" set nobin bin
"endofline last line in the file has an end-of-line
" (local to buffer)
" set eol noeol
"bomb prepend a Byte Order Mark to the file
" (local to buffer)
" set nobomb bomb
"fileformat end-of-line format: "dos", "unix" or "mac"
" (local to buffer)
" set ff=unix
"fileformats list of file formats to look for when editing a file
" set ffs=dos,unix
"textmode obsolete, use 'fileformat'
" (local to buffer)
" set notx tx
"textauto obsolete, use 'fileformats'
" set ta nota
"write writing files is allowed
" set write nowrite
"writebackup write a backup file before overwriting a file
" set wb nowb
"backup keep a backup after overwriting a file
" set nobk bk
"backupskip patterns that specify for which files a backup is not made
" set bsk=C:\Users\wassap\AppData\Local\Temp\*,C:\Users\wassap\AppData\Local\Temp\*
"backupcopy whether to make the backup as a copy or rename the existing file
" set bkc=auto
"backupdir list of directories to put backup files in
" set bdir=.,c:\\tmp,c:\\temp
"backupext file name extension for the backup file
" set bex=~
"autowrite automatically write a file when leaving a modified buffer
" set noaw aw
"autowriteall as 'autowrite', but works with more commands
" set noawa awa
"writeany always write without asking for confirmation
" set nowa wa
"autoread automatically read a file when it was modified outside of Vim
" (global or local to buffer)
" set noar ar
"patchmode keep oldest version of a file; specifies file name extension
" set pm=
"fsync forcibly sync the file to disk after writing it
" set nofs fs
"shortname use 8.3 file names
" (local to buffer)
" set nosn sn
"cryptmethod encryption method for file writing: zip or blowfish
" (local to buffer)
" set cm=zip
"20 the swap file
"directory list of directories for the swap file
" set dir=.,c:\\tmp,c:\\temp
"swapfile use a swap file for this buffer
" (local to buffer)
" set swf noswf
"swapsync "sync", "fsync" or empty; how to flush a swap file to disk
" set sws=fsync
"updatecount number of characters typed to cause a swap file update
" set uc=200
"updatetime time in msec after which the swap file will be updated
" set ut=4000
"maxmem maximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for one buffer
" set mm=2048
"maxmemtot maximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for all buffers
" set mmt=5120
"21 command line editing
"history how many command lines are remembered
set hi=1000
"wildchar key that triggers command-line expansion
" set wc=9
"wildcharm like 'wildchar' but can also be used in a mapping
" set wcm=0
"wildmode specifies how command line completion works
" set wim=full
"suffixes list of file name extensions that have a lower priority
" set su=.bak,~,.o,.h,.info,.swp,.obj
"suffixesadd list of file name extensions added when searching for a file
" (local to buffer)
" set sua=
"wildignore list of patterns to ignore files for file name completion
" set wig=
"fileignorecase ignore case when using file names
" set fic nofic
"wildignorecase ignore case when completing file names
" set nowic wic
"wildmenu command-line completion shows a list of matches
set wmnu " nowmnu
"cedit key used to open the command-line window
" set cedit=
"cmdwinheight height of the command-line window
" set cwh=7
"undofile automatically save and restore undo history
" set noudf udf
"undodir list of directories for undo files
" set udir=.
"22 executing external commands
"shell name of the shell program used for external commands
" set sh=C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe
"shellquote character(s) to enclose a shell command in
" set shq=
"shellxquote like 'shellquote' but include the redirection
" set sxq=(
"shellxescape characters to escape when 'shellxquote' is (
" set sxe=\"&\|<>()@^
"shellcmdflag argument for 'shell' to execute a command
" set shcf=/c
"shellredir used to redirect command output to a file
" set srr=>%s\ 2>&1
"shelltemp use a temp file for shell commands instead of using a pipe
" set stmp nostmp
"equalprg program used for "=" command
" (global or local to buffer)
" set ep=
"formatprg program used to format lines with "gq" command
" set fp=
"keywordprg program used for the "K" command
" set kp=:help
"warn warn when using a shell command and a buffer has changes
" set warn nowarn
"23 running make and jumping to errors
"errorfile name of the file that contains error messages
" set ef=errors.err
"errorformat list of formats for error messages
" (global or local to buffer)
" set efm=%f(%l)\ :\ %t%*\\D%n:\ %m,%*[^\"]\"%f\"%*\\D%l:\ %m,%f(%l)\ :\ %m,%*[^\ ]\ %f\ %l:\ %m,%f:%l:%c:%m,%f(%l):%m,%f:%l:%m,%f\|%l\|\ %m
"makeprg program used for the ":make" command
" (global or local to buffer)
" set mp=make
"shellpipe string used to put the output of ":make" in the error file
" set sp=>%s\ 2>&1
"makeef name of the errorfile for the 'makeprg' command
" set mef=
"grepprg program used for the ":grep" command
" (global or local to buffer)
" set gp=findstr\ /n
"grepformat list of formats for output of 'grepprg'
" set gfm=%f:%l:%m,%f:%l%m,%f\ \ %l%m
"24 system specific
"shellslash use forward slashes in file names; for Unix-like shells
" set nossl ssl
"25 language specific
"isfname specifies the characters in a file name
" set isf=@,48-57,/,\\,.,-,_,+,,,#,$,%,{,},[,],:,@-@,!,~,=
"isident specifies the characters in an identifier
" set isi=@,48-57,_,128-167,224-235
"iskeyword specifies the characters in a keyword
" (local to buffer)
" set isk=@,48-57,_,128-167,224-235
"isprint specifies printable characters
" set isp=@,~-255
"quoteescape specifies escape characters in a string
" (local to buffer)
" set qe=\\
"rightleft display the buffer right-to-left
" (local to window)
" set norl rl
"rightleftcmd when to edit the command-line right-to-left
" (local to window)
" set rlc=search
"revins insert characters backwards
" set nori ri
"allowrevins allow CTRL-_ in Insert and Command-line mode to toggle 'revins'
" set noari ari
"aleph the ASCII code for the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet
" set al=224
"hkmap use Hebrew keyboard mapping
" set nohk hk
"hkmapp use phonetic Hebrew keyboard mapping
" set nohkp hkp
"altkeymap use Farsi as the second language when 'revins' is set
" set noakm akm
"fkmap use Farsi keyboard mapping
" set nofk fk
"arabic prepare for editing Arabic text
" (local to window)
" set noarab arab
"arabicshape perform shaping of Arabic characters
" set arshape noarshape
"termbidi terminal will perform bidi handling
" set notbidi tbidi
"keymap name of a keyboard mappping
" set kmp=
"langmap translate characters for Normal mode
" set lmap=
"iminsert in Insert mode: 1: use :lmap; 2: use IM; 0: neither
" (local to window)
" set imi=2
"imsearch entering a search pattern: 1: use :lmap; 2: use IM; 0: neither
" (local to window)
" set ims=2
"26 multi-byte characters
"encoding character encoding used in Vim: "latin1", "utf-8"
" "euc-jp", "big5", etc.
" set enc=cp949
"fileencoding character encoding for the current file
" (local to buffer)
" set fenc=utf-8
"fileencodings automatically detected character encodings
set fencs=utf-8,euc-kr
"termencoding character encoding used by the terminal
" set tenc=
"charconvert expression used for character encoding conversion
" set ccv=
"delcombine delete combining (composing) characters on their own
" set nodeco deco
"maxcombine maximum number of combining (composing) characters displayed
" set mco=2
"ambiwidth width of ambiguous width characters
" set ambw=single
"27 various
"virtualedit when to use virtual editing: "block", "insert" and/or "all"
" set ve=
"eventignore list of autocommand events which are to be ignored
" set ei=
"loadplugins load plugin scripts when starting up
" set lpl nolpl
"exrc enable reading .vimrc/.exrc/.gvimrc in the current directory
" set noex ex
"secure safer working with script files in the current directory
" set nosecure secure
"gdefault use the 'g' flag for ":substitute"
" set nogd gd
"edcompatible 'g' and 'c' flags of ":substitute" toggle
" set noed ed
"opendevice allow reading/writing devices
" set noodev odev
"maxfuncdepth maximum depth of function calls
" set mfd=100
"sessionoptions list of words that specifies what to put in a session file
" set ssop=blank,buffers,curdir,folds,help,options,tabpages,winsize
"viewoptions list of words that specifies what to save for :mkview
" set vop=folds,options,cursor
"viewdir directory where to store files with :mkview
" set vdir=C:\\Program\ Files\ (x86)\\Vim/vimfiles/view
"viminfo list that specifies what to write in the viminfo file
" set vi='100,<50,s10,h,rA:,rB:
"bufhidden what happens with a buffer when it's no longer in a window
" (local to buffer)
" set bh=
"buftype "", "nofile", "nowrite" or "quickfix": type of buffer
" (local to buffer)
" set bt=
"buflisted whether the buffer shows up in the buffer list
" (local to buffer)
" set bl nobl
"debug set to "msg" to see all error messages
" set debug=